Everything keeps changing, and that’s pretty much the only constant in our modern society. Traditional employment relationships have been completely shaken up since the strong emergence of hybrid working. In recent years, a group of ambitious and innovative individuals has emerged and they are eager to work for our organizations from abroad. We call this group the “digital nomads.”
As employers, facility managers, and HR managers, we are confronted with a new reality. What challenges do we see? How can we take advantage of this evolution to support our own business operations? It is time to put our heads together and grill the digital nomad.

Join us! - 19/03/24 – The challenge of the Digital Nomad
Braem building
Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Elsene
18h00 – 18h30: Welcome and discovery of the Braem building
18h30 – 19h00: Presentation by VUB: Renovation of the Braem building
19h00 – 20h00: An expert panel discussion: “The challenge of the Digital Nomad”
20h00 – 22h00: Walking dinner & networking
- Students: Free
- Facility & Real Estate Professionals: Members: Members: 80,- EUR / Non-members: 150,- EUR
- Associate & Vendors: Members: Members: 120,- EUR / Non-members: 200,- EUR