Office rent is often seen as a necessary evil that little can be done about. But, in many cases, the rent amounts to 40-50% of the total facility cost and budget! So, it’s worth taking a closer look…
Especially knowing that saving on rent has no impact on the quality of service provided by FM to the internal customer. This contrasts with savings on your cleaning costs or catering.
Currently, we are facing a ‘tenant market’. On the one hand, due to successive (and last year very high) indexations, tenants saw their rent increase by +20% over the past 5 years. For tenants in the 8th year of their lease, this has even risen to +27%. On the other hand, the asking rent prices for vacant m² of existing buildings have remained stable over the same period or even decreased. This is partly due to hybrid working and the growing gap between the spatial and technical performance of existing older buildings versus new construction.
In other words, sitting tenants pay roughly between -25% and 35% too much rent. Corporate tenants therefore have a clear negotiating advantage and can make huge savings on their lease contract … but it requires the right approach and tools.
- Actual situation in the office market
- The 4 drivers of your lease cost that you have an impact on
- What are your options to negotiate your actual lease? And what to do when you don’t have an upcoming break option?
- The right approach and tools? A stay or leave business case from the tenant’s AND the landlord’s point of view.
- 10 tips & tricks for a successful lease negotiation

Join us! - 24/04/2024 – Training: ‘Successful lease negotiations’
MC-SQUARE Mechelen Campus Noord
Schaliënhoevedreef 20T, 2800 Mechelen
08h30 – 09h00: Welcome
09h00 – 12h00: Training (see topics)
12h00 – 13h00: Lunch
- Students: Free
- Facility & Real Estate Professionals: Members: Free / Non-members: 50,- EUR
- Associate & Vendors: Members: Free / Non-members: 100,- EUR