Home > Events > Past Events > 28/09/23 – How can technology boost total experience?
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28/09/23 – How can technology boost total experience?
Everybody is talking about smart buildings, digital twin and how this can have an added value in our day-to-day life. No better way to invite you to Green Energy Park (GEP) in Zellik. We will start with an introduction of how GEP is contributing to research, innovation, realization and operation in a large-scale testing ground.
Next up our event sponsor, Priva, will guide us how technology in buildings can be used in the most efficient way. Now that we’re all warmed up we will continue with a panel discussion how technology is contributing to the total experience with key statekholders in technology & software companies.
To end the content part we will de a site visit at GEP focusing on:
- info panel on energy flows in neighbourhoods
- battery storage and charging stations
- Deploying BMS and building information

- 17u30-18u00: Welcome with drinks & some small bites
- 18u00 – 18u10: IFMA introduction
- 18u10 – 18u40: Introduction by GEP employer/prof VUB
- 18u40 – 19u00: Priva technologie in buildings, regulation & reports
- 19u00 – 19u30: Panel discussion with software & technology leaders
- 19u30 – 20u15: site visit GEP
- 20u15 – 23u00: Tapas & drinks
Green Energy Park (GEP) – Zellik – https://www.greenenergypark.be/
Z.1. Researchpark 160, 1731 Zellik
The Green Energy Park (GEP) is a joint project of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel (UZ Brussel) and involves developing and operating a campus in the Zellik Research Park with a focus on four areas:
- Energy and mobility transition
- Hospital of the future
- Smart regions
- Biotechnology
With this campus, Green Energy Park vzw aims to bridge the gap between research, innovation, realisation and operation as a large-scale testing ground, expertise and training centre.
- Students – Free
- Facility & Real Estate Professionals – Members : 80,-EUR / Non-members: 150,-EUR
- Associate & vendors – Members: 120,-EUR / Non-members: 200,-EUR